SCAM readers and Black Rainbow/Allergic To Bullshit fans are no doubt familiar with the exploits of my best friend and longtime co-conspirator, Ivy Jeanne McClelland. This month, Ivy had planned to go to Haiti to work on a film she was making about pioneering Haitian woman activist, Magalie Marcelin. Ivy was to stay with her friend, the American artist, Flo McGarrell in theport town of Jacmel. Tragically, Marcelin and McGarrell were both killed in the January 12 earthquake.  Ivy has gone to Haiti anyway with a couple of activist friends from Miami to help out with relief efforts and to document the realities of post earthquake Haiti. They call themselves the Jacmel Working Group. You can check out updates on their inspiring work or donate cash to Jacmel activists on Ivy’s blog:


The first entry was pure Ivy: A soccer game was organized in town to lift spirits but the cheerleaders had no pom poms. So Ivy made some out of colorful, shredded plastic bags! Very sweet.

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