SF artist, and I have, at last, finished the epic project of making box sets out of the zines from Rigo’s 2007 exhibition Backtrackin’ 199485! Last year, for an exhibition at the Luggage Store Gallery in san Francisco, Rigo made nine enormous paintings of events in semi-recent Bay Area political history (between 1985 and 1994) that influenced his development as a political artist in some way. The subjects of the paintings included protesters taking over the Bay Bridge in the 1991 Gulf War Protests, the explosion of Judi Bari’s car, the first Critical Mass bike rides in downtown SF, the murder of Huey Newton in West Oakland, and the ongoing harassment of Food Not Bombs by SFPD. Rigo asked me to make a 40-page zine to accompany each painting that would include historical information about the events depicted in the paintings. Now, we have collected the zines together in a limited edition box set and included a 10th zine with pictures of the art from the show and writing about the show by Rigo and I. You get about 400 pages of lost radical history all for ONLY $20!