I am excited to get an opportunity to once more play drums with brothers Wade and Shell Driver this Friday at a rare NYC appearance by San Francisco punk and criminal legends, . I can still remember the last time I was in the band during the long summer of 1999… the epic 5-hour band practices, the long afternoons spent pushing our gear in a shopping cart to Starcleaners to practice, Wade’s never ending trips to jail and the emergency room… But Y2K never happened and we are alive to do it all over again in Brooklyn at Don Pedro’s (Manhattan Ave at Boerum, near Lorimer JMZ stop).

The show is a release party for the new Starcleaners release, the 50 Million DVD which features over two hours of live footage of all their lineups and incarnations and formations. It includes tons of live footage of all their hits and various illegal and life threatening incidents throughout the years including their now-legendary slow motion drug freakout that destroyed the Instant Beer Pleasure Lounge in Chattanooga, TN in 1997. Wild shit!

Booby Joe Ebola and The Weird Fantasy Band share the bill on Friday. 8:00 PM, $7

50 Million and Shell’s other band, , play again the next day in mysterious Somers Point, NJ in the afternoon. No one knows anything about this show now but I swear it will happen!

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